LensWork Monograph #5


by Kim Kauffman


  • 61 color images, 72 pages
  • Book dimensions: 8" wide by 9" tall
  • The quality printing you've come to expect from LensWork

    From the introduction by Susan J. Bandes, Ph.D. :

    Kim Kauffman’s extensive and ongoing Florilegium series presents a lush and endlessly fascinating world of plants and flowers. Her combinations and recombinations are done with meticulous craftsmanship and and offer refreshingly new ways to see nature. Just as the 17th century European still-life painters used collections of botanically accurate illustrations known as florilegia, Kauffman uses a compendium of specimens as her visual vocabulary. Her “drawings” number more than one thousand digital files of natural materials that she has created on a flatbed scanner. The specimens come from the extensive garden she tends around her house as well as from friends. She then crops, enlarges, layers, and combines the files on her computer to create collaged images of intense color and depth.


Click images for a larger view.